
1974 when our live began and 1975 every thing happened we move to Canchagua no bathroom no water no electricity and a huge empty house and very very cold climate and NO FIREPLACE no electric stove nothing nothing at all....I must to been crazy Daddy mio lindo I did this for you I love you...... This was Canchagua now when it's soled.....good luck to Harry


Saturday, January 30, 2010

"Seven Blunders of the World" "Siete absurdos del Mundo"
1. Wealth without work 1. Riquesa sin trabajo
2. Pleasure without conscience 2. Places sin consiencia
3. Knowledge without character 3. Saviduria sin caracter
4. Commerce without morality 4. Comercio sin moralidad
5. Science without humanity 5. Siencia sin humanidad
6. Worship without sacrifice 6.Oracion sin sacrificio
7. Politics without principle 7. Politica sin principios
---Mahatma Gandhi--- --- Mahatma Gandhi---
We all must be our potential. Nosotros devemos ser nuestro unico potencial
Each and everyone - Todos y cada uno de nosotro -s
be authentically selfless. deberianos ser auteticamente generosos
Reflect..... Reflecciona.......

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I give thanks for a wonderful family