
1974 when our live began and 1975 every thing happened we move to Canchagua no bathroom no water no electricity and a huge empty house and very very cold climate and NO FIREPLACE no electric stove nothing nothing at all....I must to been crazy Daddy mio lindo I did this for you I love you...... This was Canchagua now when it's soled.....good luck to Harry


Thursday, November 26, 2009

giving thanks for everything....

I'm thankful for His grace, continuously flowing, His arms, warm and welcoming, His heart, excruciatingly giving, His eyes, all-seeing, His hands, always healing, His glory, forever lasting His reign, never ending

What I am thankfull for today....

I'm thankful for
His grace, continuously flowing,
His arms, warm and welcoming,
His heart, excruciatingly giving,
His eyes, all-seeing,
His hands, always healing,
His glory, forever lasting
His reign, never ending

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I thank you Lord for all my tools that help me to do everything that I want to help me be productive Amen.

I thank you today Lord for all the talents you give me help me put them to practice so I can help my husband with all he's responsibilities and for the wonderful food that he harvest for me to cook and sell for the good of others Amen.

I thank you dear Lord today for the food that you gives us today and every day Amen.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Day 7

today I thank you for water because it is so necessary for everything don't ever live us without.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Day # 6

Oracion de Agradecimiento:

Es maravilloso Señor:
Tener los brazos abiertos, cuando hay tantos mutilados.
Que mis ojos vean, cuando hay tantos sin luz.
Que mis manos trabajen, cuando hay tantas que mendigan.
Que tenga salud, cuando hay tantos enfermos.
Que tenga seres queridos, cuando hay tantos solitarios.
Que mi voz cante, cuando hay tantas que enmudecen.

Que maravilloso Señor:

Tener abrigo, techo y sustento, cuando hay tantos en la calle.
Es maravilloso volver a casa, cuando hay tantos que no tienen a donde ir.
Es maravilloso amar, vivir sonreir y soñar,
cuando hay tantos que odian, lloran y se revuelven en pesadillas.
Es maravilloso tener un DIOS en quien creer, cuando hay tantos
que no sienten consuelo ni tiene fe.
Es maravilloso Señor...... sobre todo, tener tan poco que pedir y tanto
que agradecer.
y sobretodo es maravilloso que pusieras a todos estos angelitos en mi vida,para q la alegren.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Day #5

Today I am thankful for grandchildren, mine are healthy, smart and beautiful and I love them so much, also I ask today for protection for all of them in every way. Thank you Lord.

DAY #4

Today I am thankful for work ...blessing and talents are special and I am Thankful for the ones I have. I am thankful for my husband talents and hard work.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

dat # 2

I thank God every day for my friends....and I pray that I am a good friend to them!!

Day # 3

How thankful I am that Jesus Christ died for you and for me and our sins so that we could have everlasting life.
When I really stop and think of all HE endured, just for makes me cry and cry.

I give thanks for a wonderful family